HOK Tweets

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

HOK 2009 ... What a Wonderful Day

After two days of solid rain, the sky opened up and God provided a beautiful day for over 250 volunteers to work and serve throughout Kirkwood. We could say a lot about the day and the work that was done, but perhaps the best way to look at HOK 2009 is by the numbers.

Kiddo-Palooza - over 700 hot dogs given away and over 1000 people participated
Home Projects - over 20 homes were served with minor repairs or cleaning
Electronic Recycling - a full tractor trailer load of electronics saved from the landfill ... 5 tons total
Nursing Home - the days of dozens of seniors brightened by children
Car Check-up - 30 cars checked and vacuumed .. 3 failing batteries found
Dog Park - over 50 dogs roamed and romped freely
Resource Closet Collection - 14 tubs collected for families in need
Gateway Greening - a group helped brighten a green space in the Carondelet neighbor of St. Louis city.
Celebration Sunday - a beautiful service with our brothers and sisters from Harrison Avenue MBC, a delicious lunch, and excellent concert featuring the Community Gospel Choir and KBC Brass.
Kirkwood House - more seniors enjoyed an afternoon social ... "the best we've ever had" expressed one resident.

What a wonderful day indeed. Thanks be to God.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Partnering with the Kirkwood Public Library, Kirkwood YMCA, Parents as Teachers, and Laclede Gas, Hands on Kirkwood is proud to present Kiddo-Palooza, a festival for children. With all activities FREE, Kiddo-Palooza promises to be a great day for children, parents, and the community; a day filled with fun, laughs, learning, new relationships, and resources.


DATE: October 10, 2009
TIME: 9:30 am - 1:30 pm
LOCATION: YMCA & Walker Park (325 Taylor Ave)
PARKING: First Presbyterian Church, UMB Bank, surrounding streets
FOOD: FREE Hot dogs & Popcorn (10:30 am - 1:30 pm) / FREE Tropical Moose (11 am - 1pm)

Zumba Kids 10 am (2 sessions)
Christian the Magician 11 am
Laclede Gas Safety Safari 12 pm
Serengeti Steve 12:30 pm

Magic House Bubble Magic and Hands on Science (10 am - 12 pm)
YMCA Interactive Zone (Walker Park)
Library Story Telling & Book Swap
Kirkwood Police Child Fingerprinting
Vehicle Fair
Face Painting

Kirkwood High School Resource Closet (personal care items such as deodorant, soap, toothpaste/brushes, & NEW socks and underwear)

Hands On Events @ KBC

Location: Kirkwood Baptist, 211 N Woodlawn (corner of Woodlawn and Adams)

One Day Dog Park and Pet Blessing

Dog lovers abound in Kirkwood. So as a way to serve man’s best friend (and their owners) we create a dog park by fencing off the northwest corner of our front yard on the corner of Woodlawn and Adams. Inside this area, your best friend can safely romp, roam and run off-leash. It will be a great place for your dog to exercise and socialize. Since Kirkwood does not currently have a dog park, we know not everyone is familiar with the guidelines generally found at dog parks. For our day, please: everyone clean-up after their dog; only neutered and spayed dogs allowed; no puppies under 4 months old; all dogs must have up-to-date vaccinations; and no choke, pinch or spike collars allowed. Cloth or leather collars only.

Help make this a fun experience for all by being considerate and helping your dog exhibit good manners.

Pet Blessing by Senior Pastor Scott Stearman begins at 10 am.

Electronic Recycling and Document Shredding

Being a good steward of our environment is important to living out our faith and to being a good neighbor. So, KBC is providing a way for you to properly dispose of your electronic devices. Working through WITS (http://www.witsinc.org/) , KBC will be able to accept your computers, printers, cables, home electronics, VCR's, etc. Basically, if you can plug it in, we can take it! There is no charge for this service with the exception of TV’s, laptops, and computer monitors. These have a small fee per item. The recycling drop-off will be located in the parking lot across from the main KBC building. Simply pull through and unload. You can even stay in your car because we’ll be happy to unload it for you.

Any personal, private, or sensitive documents can also be shredded confidentially by CINTAS. They will have a document shredding truck on site.

Car Check-up

Ever wonder if your car was ready for winter? Well, we’re happy to help. We will check the air in your tires, visually check the belts and hoses, test your battery and antifreeze levels, and even top off your windshield wiper fluid. These few minor checks won’t take long and they can help you prepare for the toughest time of year on your car. And don’t worry, you can even stay in your car!

For more information, contact Kirkwood Baptist at 314-965-2349.

Hands on Kirkwood Volunteer Details

Volunteer Schedule for Saturday, October 10th
*Remember to park at Grace Episcopal, 514 E Argonne

7:30 am Coffee and Donuts in the Great Hall
7:30 am Volunteer Check-in Begins
8:30 am Rally and Blessing
8:45 am Disburse to Projects
9:00 am Dog Park, Car Check-up, & Recycling Begin
9:00 am Nursing Home Team departs
9:30 am Kiddo-Palooza & events away from KBC begin
10:00 am Dog Blessing at KBC
1:00 pm Events at KBC end
1:30 pm Events away from KBC end

Schedule for Celebration Sunday, October 11th
9:15 am All adult classes meet in the Sanctuary
10:30 am Joint worship with Harrison Avenue MBC
11:45 am Dinner on the Grounds (don't forget your side dish)
1:00 pm Celebration Concert with the Community Gospel Choir and KBC Brass

Schedule for Monday, October 12th
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm Kirkwood House Social